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Camilla, 6 years, 2 months
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Camilla, 1 year, 1 month
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Tor, 4 years, 2 months
Camilla, 3 years, 9 months
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Camilla, 5 years, 8 months
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Tor, 5 years, 11 months
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2014 in books

2014 has in many ways been a bit of a shit year, globally; and I suspect we won't really be sorry to see the back of it. Books, however, are friendly things, and I suspect a review of the year in books is fairly safe. Even more so when most of the ones I've read were rather good and I think you should read them, too.

At the beginning of the year I resolved to read more women writers in 2014, and I am currently kicking myself for not having done something like that a long time ago; because as it turns out, reading 50% women writers is no hardship at all.

In fact, I started the year on a bit of a feminist kick, and read the best named book of the lot: The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making by Catherynne M. Valente, a fairly straightforward fairytale-like story which I would recommend to anyone from 10 onwards. We need more books about plucky young girls fighting their way through a somewhat hostile Fairyland, helped along the way by a half-library Wyvern. I also got a hold of Tone Almhjell's The Twistrose Key, which to my mind fits a similar pattern (and age bracket); though where Valente's allusions came wrapped in puns and language play, I found myself tracing Almhjell's influences where I do not think they were intended to shine through, and the language left a bit to ...
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Tor, Ole Petter likes this

Gingerbread TARDIS & Daleks

Gingerbread geekery is now firmly established as a Christmas tradition (three iterations and all that Christmas jazz), but after last year's star destroying success, we (Silje, Tor & I, with the occasional encouraging noises from Karoline & Anja) thought we'd change the direction ever so slightly this year. We hereby include Doctor Who in the box labelled "Christmas worthy".

Being well versed in gingerbread making, we have learnt the value of a good blueprint. And the internet being what it is, we found one for both the TARDIS and Daleks.

Tor also appropriated the measuring device from my mother's knitting kit, and a triangular one from my sister's long abandoned maths stash; and so we set to work.

Still a bit bruised by the utter gingerbread dough disaster that was 2012, we bought the dough ready made this year as well, but that does not mean there was no work involved. While Tor may have been the brains of the operation, I want it noted that I was the muscle.

Stop laughing.

We have yet to learn that gingerbread is an agent of chaos, however; measuring is still very much something we do both before and after baking. The universe refuses to conform to our orderly impulses, probably due to the anarchic influence of the Doctor.

The TARDIS was surprisingly simple to make (we assume the "bigger on the inside" happens once decorations are complete), the only caveat being that you must divide the doors before ...
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Are, Tor, Jørgen, Paul likes this


Høstens bading har nå nådd sitt høydepunkt. Tilvenningen har nå kuliminert i den ultimate mann- (eller kvinn-) domsprøven. I dag gikk nemlig Jørgen og jeg opp til Øverlandsvannet, økset et hull i isen og hoppet uti. Og Jørgen gjorde attpå til dette uten noen form for tilvenning, sist han badet utendørs var nemlig på samme sted i juli i år. Credz.

Egentlig gikk det ikke fullt så smidig som dette. Øverlandsvannet er nedtappet for tiden, så det står skilt om at isen kan være utrygg. Vi begynte derfor forsiktig inne med land, og testet isen med øksa. Vi fant raskt ut at den var omlag 10 cm tykk, med vann under, så vi bestemte oss for et sted og hakket igjennom. Det viste seg at nedtappingen hadde ført til at isen hadde knekt, og at ny is hadde dannet seg oppå, så vi hadde å gjøre med 10 cm is, 30 cm vann og nye 10 cm is. Om noen av våre lesere ikke har prøvd å hakke seg gjennom to lag med is med øks kan jeg fortelle at det er spektakulært irriterende, fordi det spruter is-sørpe i alle retninger når man går løs på det andre laget.

Jørgen og to lag is med hull i.

Etterhvert fikk vi imidlertid laget to hull som var store nok til bading. På dette tidspunktet ventet vi fortsatt på at Mr. Tangen og Mr. Hattrem skulle dukke opp for å fotografere og eventuelt trå til med livredning, så da vi sjekket dybden ...
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Camilla, Are likes this

Christmas stories: The Father Christmas Letters

What better book to end this series of Christmas stories than the collected letters of Father Christmas? They were written between 1920 and 1943 to the children of J. R. R. Tolkien.

The letters were collected by Tolkien's daughter-in law and published in a beautifully illustrated volume, containing both facsimiles of most of the letters and the images drawn to accompany them.

Illustration from Christmas 1925.
The very first letter was written to Tolkien's oldest child, John, when he was just three years old. It was a short note accompanying a drawing of Father Christmas and his house, as the boy had asked what it looked like where Father Christmas lived. As time progressed, however, the letters grew longer and the stories more involved, detailing life at the North Pole.

Father Christmas' handwriting is terribly shaky, both because of the snow and because "I am nineteen hundred and twenty four -- no! seven! years old on Christmas Day" and therefore cannot keep the pen steady. (I rather like the adjustment of years back from the convention to the speculated earlier date of birth for Jesus, this in a letter to a six-year-old child and his younger brother.)

The 1925 letter introduces the North Polar Bear, whose antics will keep introducing drama in the letters throughout. This year, he has climbed up the North Pole (which is an actual pole) in order to fetch Santa's hat, and in the process breaking the Pole and Santa's house (which he ...
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Are, Tor likes this

Christmas stories: The Nightmare Before Christmas

Parody, to me, is at its best when it mashes two apparently incompatible cultural references together, and then builds on them in order to tease new fun out of old stories. It is not the parody which simply mocks, but the ludic, creative (in all senses) kind. Today's poem (because yes, it is a poem, not just a film) is one such. It takes Halloween and Christmas (season of horror and season of cheer) and uses the idea to give a new slant to famous Christmas stories. The problem with talking about parody is that you must at the same time talk about the texts parodied -- but at this point in this Christmas project, I think I have covered most of them. You are Ready.

You can buy the book, but while you wait, you can read the poem here.
I am sure you have all seen the film, and it is a lovely film; but before there was a film there was a poem by Tim Burton, and it is that which concerns us here. There is no Oogie Boogie or Sally, but the basic plot is recognisable. It begins with Jack's ennui:
It was late one fall in Halloweenland,
and the air had quite a chill.
Against the moon a skeleton sat,
alone upon a hill.
He was tall and thin with a bat bow tie;
Jack Skellington was his name.
He was tired and bored in Halloweenland.
"I'm sick of the scaring, the terror ...
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Tor likes this

Christmas stories: Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm

The short story can be found in
the collection by the same name.
Last night was the year's longest night, which means it is probably fitting to bring in Cold Comfort Farm. If you have no idea what I am talking about, you should go remedy that; Stella Gibbons is well worth your time: It is a glorious parody of the dour rural melodarama of the D. H. Lawrence/Mary Webb school, sometimes disparagingly called "loam and lovechild" (especially, perhaps, Mary Webb's The Golden Arrow, which Gibbons was allegedly writing plot summaries of when she had enough). If you are somehow allergic to books (or have already read it), there is a rather good adaptation with Joanna Lumley, Eileen Atkins, Kate Beckinsale, Ian McKellen, Stephen Fry and Rufus Sewell (though it leaves out one of the things I find most interesting about the book: the incidental science fiction).

Today's story is the prequel to this glorious piece of fiction. I would recommend reading the original novel, and some of the humour of the Christmas story may be lost if you do not. To offset that, allow me to tell you a little about it. Cold Comfort Farm tells the story of Flora Poste, a sensible young woman from London who has lost both her parents and as a result decides to go live with her relations in Sussex, the Starkadders at Cold Comfort Farm. Following tradition, she should discover the glory of traditional values while there; but ...
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Tor likes this


Det ble litt tett med badeoppdateringer en periode i høst, men nå er det såpass lenge siden sist (og forsåvidt såpass lenge siden sist jeg skrev en artikkel at jeg føler jeg må hoste opp noe uansett tema) at det er på tide å sjekke status. Og statusen er at jeg (og en hard kjerne på rundt fire av mine kollegaer) har badet i gjennomsnitt to-tre ganger i uken siden juli. Temperaturen i vannet er nå nede i rundt 4-5 grader, med 3.5 som foreløpig kaldeste.

Det som er litt demotiverende å tenke på er at selv om vi fra i dag går mot lysere tider går vi på ingen måte mot varmere tider. Jeg lastet ned og plottet et år med data fra Norkyst 800, både for den posisjonen som så vidt jeg kan bedømme ligger nærmest Sjøbadet, og for 150 meters dyp midt et par kilometer ut i fjorden.

Temperaturen i overflaten ved Sjøbadet, og på 150 meters dyp uti fjorden et sted, plottet med daglige data fra perioden 1. juni 2013 til 31. mai 2014.

Hvis sesongen 2013-2014 var representativ ser vi altså at vi har fire kalde måneder foran oss, før temperaturen begynner å ta seg opp i april. Vi har hørt ulike rapporter om hva temperaturen var på det kaldeste i fjor, noen sier 0.2 grader i vannet, andre sier 3. Nå har det seg jo slik at temperaturen i overflatelaget i fjorden kan endre seg ganske kjapt, avhengig av vannføring i elven ...
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Camilla likes this

Christmas stories: Journey of the Magi

There have been some poems in this series of Christmas stories, but they have all been very Santa-oriented. When a colleague suggested I include T. S. Eliot's poem, "Journey of the Magi", I thought it might be a nice change. Also, we've had Luke; it's time Matthew got some attention, too. This is, you might say, a different take on the Christian birth story.

The poem was written in 1927, so it is an interwar poem (with all that might imply). You should also know that Eliot was a strong believer in the Literary Tradition (and himself as an important part of that literary tradition). His poems are therefore often very erudite, full of quotations and allusions. This one is not so bad, but it helps to know your Bible.

The three wise men (the actual number never actually specified, but we tend to have them portrayed as three because they brought three gifts) are going to Bethlehem to greet the new born child (although the poem never states outright the purpose of the journey -- it leaves you to figure it out for yourself, based on whatever references you can pick up on).

The original account is found in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 2. Within the context of the Christian tradition, one would expect the experience of the Magi to be recounted as a transcendent, wonderful and pure experience of joy and awe. Matthew 2:10 says that “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with ...
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Christmas stories: Hercule Poirot's Christmas

First edition cover.
When we were still bright-eyed, bushy-tailed high schoolers, Tor and some friends made a list of things you could learn from history. I seem to recall "Don't invade Russia" was top of the list, but "don't drive in an open top car if you have enemies" was one of them. I have since been thinking that this particular entry should be amended to "Don't drive in an open top car or invite Poirot to spend time with you if you have enemies". Of course, that does not protect you from other people inviting him and you at the same time or neighbours inviting him to stay, in which case (I am sorry to say), the end is inevitable. Probably best not to get enemies.

I have previously pointed out that while in Norway crime is the purview of Easter, English-speakers seem to be all in favour of a murderous (when not ghostly) Christmas. And there is one author it would be a crime to neglect. Agatha Christie wrote 66 detective novels and 14 collections of short stories, and it should be no surprise that there is not just one set at Christmas. I could think of two off the top of my head, and after consulting Jamie Bernthal, I was told that there is also a Miss Marple story called "A Christmas Tragedy" (I had actually read that, but not filed it under Christmas at all) as well as some religious children's stories ...
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Tor, Karoline likes this

Christmas stories: A Christmas Carol

You (two dear, faithful readers, Google-bots and random passers-by) must have wondered when Dickens was going to show up here. He is, after all, pretty much the man who gave Christmas back to England, not to mention the author of one of the most Christmasy of Christmas stories.

I'm sorry, did I say "one"? As if Dickens would limit himself so: He published no less than five Christmas books over a six year period (The Chimes, The Cricket on the Hearth, The Battle of Life and The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain, in addition to the one you have heard about), and not content to stop there, he edited Christmas numbers of his journals to be read at Christmas, like Dr. Marigold's Prescriptions or Somebody's Luggage, Mugby Junction, The Haunted House etc, etc; Dickens was Mr. Christmas. Even his final, unfinished novel, The Mystery of Edwin Drood (the murder mystery without an ending) has the crucial event centre on Christmas. But while most of these stories or collections have been largely forgotten, there is one that remains.

First published 171 years ago today.
A Christmas Carol is the ultimate Christmas story: A frozen soul turned to life and warmth (I am not joking about that theme running though these Christmas stories). And quite apart from the introduction of Tiny Tim, Bob Cratchit, and Scrooge (which, like Grinch, remains a term for the non-Christmas-compatible -- presumably with a hope that they may be redeemed), it is credited ...
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Tor likes this
Speak you're branes
Tor 13.08.24 12:41

You can just write stuff
Are 04.09.23 19:49

Camilla 13.04.23 17:28

Mener du den heftige farten på samtalen, Are?
Are 21.10.22 09:33

Dette er artig å vise frem til kollegaer!
Tor 15.05.21 12:28

Ikke allverden. Retter eksamen. Ser frem til sommeren.
Eivind 28.03.21 20:38

Tor 15.11.20 18:02

Tor 02.01.20 21:29

Godt nyttår!
Are 15.03.19 14:18

Godt nyttår! ;)
Tor 01.01.19 10:46

Godt nyttår!
Tor 30.12.17 20:43

Og lynforumet funker igjen! For første gang på et par år.
Tor 30.12.17 20:43

Vi er på lufta igjen, etter et par ukers nedetid (som kanskje ingen la merke til?). Oppdatering følger.
Tor 30.12.17 19:58

Kjelll 15.01.16 21:53

Og ja, typisk PisseGuri!
Kjelll 15.01.16 21:51

Sjeldent vært så enig med D Tennant:
Are 15.01.16 12:54

Måtte bare forsikre meg om at dere ikke går glipp av den. :)
Tor 03.12.15 19:55

Hmmnja, ok.
Jørgen 03.12.15 12:25

Den var ikkje ein del av rommet. Av same grunn som det ikkje var berre éin hovudskalle i slottet (med unnatak av andre gongen han gjekk gjennom sirkelen).
Tor 03.12.15 08:11

Den var ganske kul. Men hvorfor gikk ikke diamantveggen tilbake til opprinnelig tilstand når han kom inn i rommet igjen?
Jørgen 02.12.15 10:36

Heaven Sent. Steike. Beste eg har sett av Doctor Who nokon sinne! (Sånn. Eg måtte berre få det ut. Takk.)
Tor 15.11.15 19:31

Planen er 1. juledag, på Øverlandsvannet, men det er litt væravhengig. Det må nesten være skikkelig is, eller ingen is. Retiro kan også være et alternativ.
Are 13.11.15 11:10

Når skal julebadet finne sted?
Tor 02.11.15 11:04

Jeg vil oppfordre alle til å ta del i pollen som er oppe for tiden. Og naturligvis vil jeg oppfordre alle til å bli med på julebadet.
Camilla 07.10.15 23:20

Are 05.10.15 21:31

Jørgen 25.09.15 16:45

Haha! Det har eg ikkje tenkt over før. Men no skal eg byrje å ta det i bruk til dagleg.
Tor 15.09.15 07:12

Og RG-beatdown, ikke minst.
Tor 15.09.15 07:07

Har ikke tenkt over før at mange navn på Magic-deck også egner seg som navn på politiske konstellasjoner i norske kommuner. UG-madness, for eksempel.
Ragnhild 06.09.15 21:51

Grattis, Camilla!
Are 06.09.15 10:34

Gratulerer med dagen, Camilla!
Tor 03.08.15 18:55

I andre nyheter: Det viser seg at posting til lynforumet ikke har fungert etter en django-oppdatering i mai eller juni. På lufta igjen nå (åpenbart).
Tor 03.08.15 18:55

På grunn av ubetenksom omgang med databasen mistet vi ca ti minutter i dag. Beklager til alle som postet mellom ca 18.10 og 18.20.
Tor 20.05.15 22:40

Thanks. It was a nice day, almost no rain, champagne for breakfast, etc. Good stuff.
Tim 17.05.15 16:37

Happy 17 May, Norwegians!
Tor 20.02.15 18:59

Bra xkcd i dag. Jeg har sagt omtrent nøyaktig dette i en forelesning.
Tor 03.01.15 23:10

Legg merke til at vi nå har bokser som viser tilfeldige artikler også fra to og ti år tilbake.
Tor 31.12.14 16:31

Uansett, Tangen og jeg tok nyttårsbadet rundt kvart på tre. Kan melde om friske temperaturer i vannet.
Tor 31.12.14 16:31

Mulig det er noe der.
Camilla 31.12.14 12:25

Kanskje fordi alkohol og isbading ikke går så bra sammen?
Tor 30.12.14 21:31

Skjønt, hvorfor 12.00? Midnatt er jo mye kulere.
Tor 30.12.14 21:30

Det eksisterer tilsynelatende en tradisjon for nyttårsbading i Molde. Møt opp, på Retiro klokken 12.00 i morgen.
Tor 22.12.14 00:04

(Vintersolverv er (var) i år klokken 00:03 den 22 desember.)
Tor 22.12.14 00:02

God Vintersolverv!
Ragnhild 20.11.14 14:42

Apple-idiotiet mitt fortsetter: Ved lette småskader på iPhone vraker de altså telefonen og sender deg en ny. Nå har jeg mistet nydelige bilder fra Chile og Spania.
Ragnhild 05.11.14 17:21

Hehe. "Bør Mac fra 2008 oppgraderes". Nå skal eplehuset bestille minnekort (?) slik at de kan oppgradere maskinen min (10.5.8)til Yosemite. Det går visst an. Alt man lærer!
Ragnhild 30.10.14 09:09

@Camilla: Gratulerer med det!
Camilla 29.10.14 15:55

@Ragnhild: Jeg jobber nå på Luftkrigsskolen. Mer engelsk språk og krigshistorie enn tung litteraturteori, men interessant (og med forskningstid).
Ragnhild 29.10.14 08:59

Lynforumpostene mine har hatt en tendens til å multiplisere seg selv. Bør mac fra 2008 oppgraderes? Er det dyrt?
Tor 28.10.14 23:03

Calcuttagutta er jo hovedsaklig utviklet på en Mac fra 2008, så det burde funke greit.
Tor 28.10.14 23:02

Hva er det som ikke funker med lynforumet?
Ragnhild 22.10.14 16:02

Lynforum+min mac fra 2008=dårlig match.
Ragnhild 22.10.14 16:01

Camilla: Har du funnet deg en spennende jobb nå? Er nysgjerrig.
Ragnhild 22.10.14 16:01

Camilla: Har du funnet deg en spennende jobb nå? Er nysgjerrig.
Are 15.10.14 21:07

Fusjon! (AviationWeek)
Camilla 28.09.14 22:07

For de med interesse for jazz og litteraturteori: Derrida og Coleman.
Camilla 14.09.14 19:53

Camilla 14.09.14 19:53

Jeg har ikke lest Marta Breen, dessverre; men det jeg har sett av henne virket fornuftig.
Ragnhild 12.09.14 10:13

Camilla: Leser at du stadig er feminist, og lurer på om du har en kommentar til Marta Breens nye bok? Anbefales for øvrig til alle som ikke har lest den!
Tor 07.09.14 22:03

Jeg ville lagt til fortran, som er et lysssvert. An elegant weapon, for a more civilised time.
Camilla 16.07.14 23:12

Jeg skal kuratere We The Humanities neste uke. (@wethehumanities)
Tor 23.04.14 07:59

Tor 15.04.14 01:00

Tor 08.04.14 20:44

Hmm, to måneder uten aktivitet i lynforumet, og over to uker mellom artikler. Jeg tror jeg må skjerpe meg litt.
Tor 01.02.14 12:47

Kul, men det ser ut som de har løftet den fra wikipedia, fjernet kildehenvisningene og lagt til rotete grafikk