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Åpent brev til Royal Mail

Dear Sirs,

Recently, I recieved a «Sorry, you were out»-note from your company, stating that you were unable to deliver a package to me, because I was not at home, and you had no access to the staircase. Why this should be, I do not know, as I chat a bit with the mailman almost every morning as he makes his tour of our staricase, to which he appears to have unrestricted access, but be that as it may. I noticed that the note advertised the webpage, so I assumed it would be easily arranged to have the package delivered to my local Post Office. I was therefore quite put out when I discovered that the online redelivery system will not be operational until early 2007. May I suggest that one should have the serivce in place before one starts announcing its existence?

At this point, I decided I could as well drop by the Royal Mail Delivery Office in Edinburgh EH7, and pick up the package myself. As this was a Saturday, the office would close at half past twelve, according to the note you left me. Therefore, I imagined myself to be in no hurry when I arrived at twenty two past twelve at the pedestrian entrance from Brunswick Road, which I have used on earlier occasions. As you can no doubt understand, I was quite surprised when I found the gate closed. I was not prepared, however, to be turned from my errand by what I at the time thought would have to be a small error in timekeeping, so I doubled back, and went in through the larger gate, and eventually found my way to the correct office.

Upon arrival at the front door, I discovered that it too was held against me. One of your employees was there, letting people out, but no one in, and explained firmly, but politely, that I could not be allowed in because there was already a long line. And, he added, they had been open since seven o' clock that morning, and no one had bothered to show up for the first two hours they were open. At this point, I might add, the time was still a few minutes short of half past twelve

Now it would seem to me that just as it is normal practice to have a service in place before one advices people to use it, it is also customary to list the actual opening times on notes meant to provide information to the public. If you wish to close your offices at twenty past twelve on Saturdays, then you are of course free to do so, but it would be helpful of you to inform your customers of this. While I was in you grounds, I saw several other people running about with wild looks on their faces and «Sorry, you were out»-notes in their hands, so it is clear I was not the only one confused by this discrepancy in opening times.

Also, the fact that your office open at seven o' clock in the morning on Saturdays, with the first customers showing up around nine, seems to indicate it would be sensible to shift your schedule for Saturdays to one and a half or two hours later. Or you could just stay open from nine to half past twelve, and probably save two or three hundred man hours a year at this branch alone. As I mentioned earlier, I do not see it as a problem that you close your office at half past twelve, only that your actual opening times are not the same as advertised.

I hope I will not have the same experience, should I have to visit your offices at a later date.

Tor Nordam
Camilla likes this


Camilla,  19.11.06 23:35

Jeg er veldig bitter fordi jeg ikke fikk bøkene mine.
De kan brenne.
Royal mail, altså, ikke bøkene.

Tor,  19.11.06 23:45

Aiaiai, Royal Mail er ondere enn vi trodde. Jeg flippet rundt på hjemmesidene deres, og se hva jeg fant:

Royal Mail, the Royal Mail Cruciform, the colour red and SmartStamp are all registered trademarks of Royal Mail Group plc.(Min uthevning)

Are,  20.11.06 10:42

Jøss. Ny europeisk rekord i dårlig sørvis. Latterlig.

Kjellove,  22.11.06 13:08

Do you want cheese with that whine?
Royal Mail