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Burns Night

Today we celebrate Burns Night, in honour of Robert Burns. Not properly, in our house, (un)fortunately: There was no haggis to be got for love nor money (we may not have tried very hard); but Tor cracked open the whisky (For relaxing times, make it Suntory time!) and I cracked open the books (The Complete Annotated Works of Burns printed by Blackie and sons in 1877). And a good time was had by all.

Are, Tor, Kjellove, Tim, Anja likes this


Karoline,  25.01.14 20:44

Camilla, Tor likes this
Tim,  26.01.14 23:55

to see you've taken observance of Burns Nicht back with you.

I had a haggis burrito the night before and Eggs Benedict Haggis in Nobles for brunch. I also read some poems (tae masel') in the evening, finishing with Tam O'Shanter.

Ye'll huv tae come back sae we can dae Burns Nicht richt proper thegither. Braw.
Camilla, Tor likes this

Are,  29.01.14 13:02

Whenever I feel uncultured I read blog posts like this one and consider that you are friends of mine. The feeling of unculturedness subsides.
Tor,  23.03.14 14:45

I brought back some canned haggis from Edinburgh at my last visit, so I'll be better prepared next year. I even have a touristy kilt somewhere, so if we can find some bagpipe music on iTunes we're all set.