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New Year's Eve 2010

As per tradition, here comes this year’s New Year’s Eve blog post! Tally ho, wooo-ho!

We aren’t quite as many as last year, but are still having a good time here at Fuglset! Too much chocolate compared to the number of people, but but.

New Year’s Resolutions
This is a traditional section. Last year I committed to exercising more and working on my saxophone skills. Part 1 was a major success, part 2 an enormous failure. Time to re-commit!

Aikido exercise three times a week. Publishing an article! (Apparently publishing more is better, which means it’s a good thing to get started.)
Be at work at 0830 at least three times a week.

Endurance training at least once a week. Aikido exercise twice a week. Presume people think I’m nice (rather than the opposite).

Keep going with weekly aerobic exercise, keep doing the weekly pushups or equivalent.

Complete my thesis! Do as many pushups and situps as possible every day of every week and increase the number by one every week. Get a job!

Go running twice a week whenever daylight or headlight permits. Read all the books on the curriculum.

Boot camp thrice a week, squash twice a week! Read “Autobiography of a Yogi”.
(Pilothumor: Normally you say “traffic in sight”, but when the aircraft in question is an F50... “fokker in sight!”)

Anja for Anja: Complete “Princess Bride”. Get more energy. Figure out what to study. Find more of the positive things inside me.
Karoline for Anja: Kind. Keep cooking wonderful dishes, and keep making the delicious dish that Camilla likes. Mer selvtillit!

Og nå: Passport! Resultatet i Passport ble forholdsvis overlegen seier av team Anja, Karoline, Camilla og Silje.

Kvelden går mot slutten, det har vært hyggelig, og det er allmenn enighet om at kongens tale var god i år.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Best wishes, hope you have a fabulous 2011!
Today's exploits
New Year's Resolution