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Name a name

As previously mentioned, I've been writing a django project to manage the webpage of the course I'm teaching. The goal is to have something which is simple and easy to use for both the students and me, and at the moment, it is essentially what you see here, plus a few simple forms to post messages and exercises.

Currently, I and my friend Knut are the only users of this system. I use it for my course, and he uses it for a Journal Club he started at our department. However, I hope to be able to talk at least a few others into using my system next semester. I've shown it to the head of teaching at the physics department, and he agreed that it seemed to be reasonably user friendly, although he couldn't really see why he should prefer this over editing html-files in vi (not vim), which is what he has been doing, probably since the 80s. He also expressed doubts about what would happen after I have left NTNU, if they started widespread use.

In order to make my code more transparent and trustworthy and everything, I thought it would probably be a good idea to clean it up a bit, and maybe create a google code repository, and that brings me to todays topic, which is that my project needs a name. Ofcourse, it is currently residing in a folder on my computer, and this folder obviously has a name (physweb), but that was just something I thought of in the space of two seconds while reading the django tutorial in September or something. Choosing a name for my google code repository is a much more serious decision, and should be approached in a more considered manner.

And that, dear reader, is where I turn to you. I would like to change the current name, as there is nothing physics specific to the project. It might just as easily be used to provide webpages for a course on chemistry or literary theory, or indeed a journal club. It is, however, intended for use in relation to courses in higher education, so the name could very well have something to do with course. Or education. Furthermore, I would like a name that isn't already in widespread use by someone else. Just to make things easier, and avoid potential confusion or even legal trouble. I checked courseweb, which seems to be in casual use here and there, and courseadmin, which seems to be a registered trademark.

Hence, I hereby declare a competition to suggest the new name for my course-framwork thingy. The winner, as selected by some means yet to be decided, will receive one copy of Disney's SingIt High School Musical 3 for PS3 (without microphones).

And a bonus question: which should I use of the GPL, the MIT License or the BSD License, and why?

-Tor Nordam


Camilla,  21.03.10 14:53

I believe you have misunderstood the nature of incentives.

Tor,  22.03.10 13:52

It looks like you may be right. Especially considering that in the good old days, I would get at least four or five answers to a quiz about building materials by promising a box of four-inch nails or an ugly t-shirt as a prize.

Tor,  23.03.10 11:23

Ok, the winner will receive the PS3 game, and also their choice of a box of four inch nails or an ugly t-shirt.
course webpage